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much ado about nothing中文是什么意思

用"much ado about nothing"造句"much ado about nothing"怎么读"much ado about nothing" in a sentence


  • 抱得有情郎
  • 都是男人惹的祸
  • 抢得有情郎
  • 乌龙王飞来艳福
  • 无事烦恼
  • 无事忙
  • 无事生非
  • 无事无非
  • 无事自扰
  • 庸人自扰


  • The whole controversy is for too much ado about nothing
  • It was all much ado about nothing
  • Don ' t be fooled by his babbling . he was only making much ado about nothing
  • The speaker boasted that he would talk about the secret of becoming a successful man , but he actually made much ado about nothing
  • It is in infinite variety everywhere in the world he has created , in much ado about nothing , twice in as you like it , in the tempest , in hamlet , in measure for measure , and in all the other plays which i have not read
    486在爱的徒劳中,两次在皆大欢喜中,在暴风雨中,哈姆莱特中,一报还一报中以及其他所有我还没读过的剧作中。 ”
  • For example , the theme parks are just a few years old , but their mps are already dismissing them as out - dated the criticism sounds fitting and proper to singaporeans though it appears much ado about nothing to outsiders
    就连主题公园办了几年,还要由议员来兴师动众的指责“陈旧” ,这在旁人看来有点儿“小题大做” ,新加坡人自己却觉得理所当然。
  • His plays , many of which were performed at the globe theater in london , include historical works , such as richard ii , comedies , including much ado about nothing and as you like it , and tragedies , such as hamlet , othello , and king lear
    他的很多戏剧都在伦敦环球剧院表演过,包括历史剧《理查德二世》 、喜剧《无事生非》和《皆大欢喜》 、悲剧《哈姆雷特》 、 《奥赛罗》和《李尔王》 。
  • In 1992 , she landed the role of hero in the film adaptation of shakespeare s much ado about nothing co - starring kenneth branagh , emma thompson , and keanu reeves . upon receiving three more roles in european productions , kate dropped out of her studies
    早期作品有无事生非much ado about nothing和迪斯科的末日the last days of disco ,最近的影片是和克莱尔丹斯主演的倒塌的宫殿brokendown palace 。
  • His parts continued to grow , and then he started attracting the eye of more mainstream directors . he landed films like dangerous liaisons , bram stoker s dracula , much ado about nothing , and little buddha . but it was 1994 s speed that really made everyone stand up and notice
    但在此后由于他试图与主流影片保持距离,加上自己检选的独立制片电影卖座不好,渐渐削弱了自己在hollywood的千万身价,在the devil s advocate后,整整半年没有一部hollywood的电影剧本找上他。
用"much ado about nothing"造句  



Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy by William Shakespeare about two pairs of lovers, Benedick and Beatrice, and Claudio and Hero.
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